Tore Says
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April 29, 2024

Hey Tore, are we in a pause?

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Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 8

The connection between Antarctica and extraterrestrials, woven into theories about the space race, offers a rich ground for conspiracy theories. At the heart of these theories lies the speculation that Antarctica, with its remote and harsh environment, has been a site of interest or contact with extraterrestrial beings. This premise often suggests that the secrecy surrounding certain areas of the continent could be due to the recovery of alien technology or the existence of hidden bases beneath the ice.

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 6

"Antarctica & Free Energy: Unveiling Earth's Frozen Frontier" explores the enigmatic continent of Antarctica, a vast land known for ice and snow, its extreme climate, and as a pivotal center for energy research and exploration.

Can’t wait to see your next show


Hi Tore,

I watch the Highwire, hosted by Del Bigtree. Last week in their news segment they were reporting about the government censoring an attack that happened in Australia. What brings me to mention it here was the attack was on Mari Mari Emmanuel who you had an interview a few months ago. Sadly he lost an eye from the attack, but has recovered per the report.

The segment begins at 18 min 30 secs.

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