Tore Says
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I have seen 4 ambulances
I have seen 2 buses on the opposite side of the bus stop
I have seen 2 cop cars
Go figure, America.

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FILM| Enjoy The Show: Origins of the End Game

Discover the origins of the phrase "enjoy the show" and understand why starting at the beginning is crucial when faced with confusion. This video delves into the importance of tracing back to the roots, allowing us to apply Occam's razor for clarity. By understanding the origins, we unravel complexities and see how everything begins to make sense, enhancing our appreciation of the unfolding narrative --- and you will love how this story ends.


Just a bit of showcasing our complete networks.

Antarctica | Sky Ice Episode 8

The connection between Antarctica and extraterrestrials, woven into theories about the space race, offers a rich ground for conspiracy theories. At the heart of these theories lies the speculation that Antarctica, with its remote and harsh environment, has been a site of interest or contact with extraterrestrial beings. This premise often suggests that the secrecy surrounding certain areas of the continent could be due to the recovery of alien technology or the existence of hidden bases beneath the ice.

Will we be able to stop Smart cities?

Can’t wait to see your next show


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